RCM Mock Exams

Practice exams organized specifically to prepare you for your upcoming RCM exams!

What is a Mock Exam?

A mock exam is a simulated exam designed to prepare the student for everything there is to know about practical RCM exams and to help them get comfortable in the nerve-wracking examination environment. 


Students will prepare the appropriate material and skills needed for their actual RCM exam and can take as many mock exams as they need to feel fully confident to do their best on their RCM exams. 


Our highly trained examiners will provide extensive feedback, suggestions, and an accurate overall grade to help students learn what they’re doing well and what they need to improve on in order to succeed in their RCM exam.


Please read below for detailed descriptions of all the advantages of mock exams at CMC and some statistics to illustrate just how useful they are!

Benefits of a doing an RCM Mock Exam at CMC!

(click each point to expand!)

Our mock exams are akin to full length lessons in duration – 30, 45, or 60 minutes depending on what level you are. Our mock exams also cover all facets of a regular RCM exam! Our examiners provide students with a grade and a full report identical to what an RCM examiner would provide after the exam.

At CMC you can book a mock exam in whichever type of environment you need – if your RCM exam is online then your mock exam(s) will be online, and vice versa with in-person.

At CMC we test for all requirements of RCM exams in our mock exams – not just repertoire, but also technique, etudes, sight-reading and ear training!

At CMC you can take a mock exam at anytime during the year as long as you’re working towards an RCM exam. However, booking mock exams closer to your RCM exam date is more common and often more helpful.

Students working towards RCM exams of ALL levels are encouraged to take mock exams at CMC!

At CMC, students are encouraged to take at least one and ideally two mock exams to prepare for an RCM exam. Please see the stats in the neighbouring section on this page for why this is the case.

These are the instruments taught here at CMC for which the RCM administers practical exams: 


Piano, guitar, double bass, violin, viola, cello, clarinet, flute, saxophone, recorder, trumpet, voice, and percussion.

At CMC, our examiners are highly trained, professional teachers who specialise in adjudicating mock RCM exams. All of them are extremely familiar with the intricacies of RCM exams and have been doing this for many, many years!

At CMC, we offer mock exams to our students at no extra cost compared to our regular private lesson rates. We believe this service should be available to and taken advantage by all of our students who are working towards an RCM exam.

At CMC, we have been offering mock exams to our students for as long as we’ve existed (28 years), and our founder and co-director Lusiana has been running mock exams for over 35 years! Needless to say, the experience has become perfectly streamlined over more than 3 decades of preparation.

Statistics: Piano RCM exam scores with and without Mock Exams

This table compares RCM piano exam final scores between the national average and CMC students in 2024 who have done at least 1 mock exam.

All CMC data is from 2024. “National Average” data is provided by the RCM and can be found HERE.

Preparing for an RCM exam? Book a Mock Exam today!

If you are planning to take an RCM exam this year, book a mock exam here at CMC!


Please email us at cmc@cmccanada.com or call us at 416-537-5995