CMC Notes – November 2024

november 2024

CMC Notes Newsletter - November 2024

In this issue

1. Important Upcoming Dates

2. Winter Recitals: Information

3. Winter Recitals: Schedule

4. Winter Recitals: FAQs

5. RCM Exams

6. Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases!

7. Featured Teacher

8. Give the Gift of Music!

9. ShopLocal2Win

10. Birthdays this Month

Important Upcoming Dates

November 1st: Winter recital sign-up starts today! Please refer to our email with subject heading ‘Winter Recital Sign-Up is now OPEN’ and click on the link in the body of the email to sign up!


November 5th: Deadline for RCM exam registration for Dec/Jan session


November 16th: Musical Preludes Parent / Caregiver Observation Day – parents/caregivers are invited to stay and observe your child’s MP class!


December 1st & 8th: CMC winter recitals – see below for more info!


Click HERE for our private lesson 2024-2024 CMC School Year Calendar!

Click HERE for our Musical Preludes Schedule!

Click HERE for our Suzuki Cello Group Class Schedule!

Winter Recitals: Information!

CMC hosts 2 days of winter recitals for our private lesson students. We encourage all our students to perform, but participation is optional! We want this to be a positive experience for our students with a supportive, low-pressure atmosphere. Our recitals are FREE, and are divided into short one hour sessions for your convenience.


Our recital sign up form will be emailed out on Friday, November 1st.



  • It’s an opportunity to perform for an audience in a supportive environment 🙂
  • Develop a musical goal to work toward and achieve!
  • Show your friends and family what you have learned so far!

For our ONLINE recital strings, voice and wind students, if piano accompaniment is required, you will need to use a track.


For our IN-PERSON recital strings, voice and wind students, CMC pays for a piano accompanist to be at our recitals, but if you would like rehearsal time beforehand (which we highly recommend), you are responsible to pay for a minimum increment of 15 minutes of rehearsal time.

Unsure if you or your child will need piano accompaniment? Speak with their teacher who will be happy to discuss with you!

Winter Recitals: Schedule!


IN-PERSON at Roncesvalles United Church, 240 Roncesvalles Avenue:


12:30pm: cello recital (students of all cello teachers & our Suzuki cello group class)

2pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers; choose from 2pm or 3pm)

3pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers; choose from 2pm or 3pm)

4pm: voice/winds recital (students of all voice & wind teachers)

5pm: adult recital (all instruments & voice for students 18+)

6pm: guitar/ukulele/bass/drums recital (students of all guitar/ukulele/bass/drum teachers; choose from 6pm or 7pm)

7pm: guitar/ukulele/bass/drums recital (students of all guitar/ukulele/bass/drum teachers; choose from 6pm or 7pm)



ONLINE via Zoom:


10am: all instruments & voice for any teacher


IN-PERSON at Roncesvalles United Church, 240 Roncesvalles Avenue:


1pm: piano recital (students of Alida & Josh)

2pm: piano recital (students of Cheng-Feng, Chris & Erik)

3pm: piano recital (students of Neal, Michele & Aimi)

4pm: piano recital (students of Luan & Mark)

5pm: piano recital (students of Hiro & James)

6pm: piano recital (students of Louise & Emmett)



Students taking more than one lesson, or siblings, can sign up for the same time slot. All non-piano instruments must be on December 1st (for example, if one sibling takes piano and one takes guitar, please sign them both up for a guitar recital, since there will only be a piano set up on Dec. 8th, with no mics or amps…etc, and no guitar teacher to tune your instrument!

Winter Recitals: FAQs

Can my child sign up for one recital time slot even though they take 2 instruments?

YES – we accommodate our students so that it’s convenient for you! Similarly, siblings can sign up for the same time slot. Please sign up for the non-piano time slot if applicable.


My child’s pieces are short since they’re a beginner- can they perform 2 pieces?

NO – sorry! We limit it to one piece per student regardless of the length of the piece, to make it fair across the board. We simply don’t have time for all of our students to perform 2 pieces, so we need to enforce the 1 piece per instrument, otherwise our recitals will be endless. Thank you for your understanding.


My child takes / I take online lessons. Can they / I sign up to perform at the in-person recital?

YES – for online students wanting to perform in-person, please simply sign up for your instrument / piano teacher’s time slot for our in-person recitals on December 1st.


My child takes / I take in-person lessons. Can they / I sign up to perform at the online recital?

YES – sign up for our online recital on December 8th at 10am


Will there be a recital programme?

YES – to be more environmentally friendly, we will have a digital programme with a QR code to scan to see the programme on your cell phone. We will have a limited number of printed programmes for those who need one. The PDF of the programme will be emailed the day prior.


How much does the recital cost?

Our recitals are FREE.


Can my family and friends come to the recital?

YES – since our winter recitals will now be held at Roncesvalles United church, we have plenty of space for family and friends to come and hear you, so there is no limit to the number of people you bring!


Any questions? Please email us at

RCM Exams

The deadline for RCM exam registration for Dec/Jan session is Tuesday, November 5.


The written theory examinations will take place on December 13 & 14, 2024.


The in-person practical examinations will take place January 13-25, 2025.


Interested in working towards a spring 2025 RCM exam? Don’t hesitate to contact our Director, Lusiana, by email at if you have any questions!


Click HERE for more info about RCM examinations!

Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases!


CMC teacher Max will be playing drums for a band called Ark Identity at their EP release show on November 8th at the Burdock Music Hall.


Click HERE for more info.



CMC teacher Arie will be playing a show on November 13th, the first night of his ambient/improv residency Slipstreams with electroacoustic harpist Grace Scheele at 9:30 – 11:30PM at the Tranzac’s Southern Cross Lounge.

They will be having monthly shows, the second Wednesday of every month until April!



Featured Teacher!

featured teacher november 2024

Elizabeth Loewen Andrews (Violin, Viola)

1. How old were you when you first started music?

4 years old!

2. Why did you want to make music your career?

I think the turning point in my musical development was when I got into Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra in Grade 9. I had never played in a full symphony orchestra before, and in my first rehearsal, the first piece started with a huge brass chorale. I had never experienced that kind of sound before, and then I got to be part of making it! It changed my life – I wanted to keep playing this incredible music, and now I get to!

3. Which groups are you currently playing with, if any?

I’m a long time member of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, and I also play regularly with Esprit Orchestra and Tafelmusik.

4. What do you enjoy most about teaching?

I love experiencing breakthrough movements with my students. There are always these challenging climbs, or static plateaus, and then there is a moment where something clicks, and the student levels up. It’s awesome to see them experience that and help them to those moments.

5. Some students have challenges with consistent practicing. What advice would you give them?

I advise the same thing I get my kids to do: choose a time of day that is practice time, and make it part of the routine of the day. Some days will be fun, some will stink, and some days will just be neutral, and they’re all ok and normal!

6. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Hang out with my kids, ride my bike, read and cross stitch!

7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

OMG. Too many places. Paris is really high on my list right now!

If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at!

Give the Gift of Music!

gift of music
Give the gift of music this holiday season by sending your loved ones a CMC egift card! 
A CMC egift card can go towards music books or music lessons and makes a great birthday or holiday gift! 
Click HERE to purchase a CMC egift card.


Between October 28th and December 8th, you have a chance to win a weekly draw of $1000!


You need to:

(1) submit a receipt OR

(2) write a review for CMC and submit a photo of it,


and you’ll then have a chance to win a weekly draw for $1000: $500 will go to yourself, and $500 to CMC, which we will add to our bursary fund (the ShopLocal2Win applies to all businesses on Roncy!)


Click HERE for more information!

©2024 Music Lessons Toronto, In-Person at our school or online Lessons Toronto, Music School Toronto, ON, Canada | 314 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON M6R 2M7, CA

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CMC Notes Newsletter – November 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals: Information 3. Winter Recitals:…


CMC Notes Newsletter – October 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals: Information! 3. Winter Recitals:…


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