Classical Music Conservatory

CMC Notes – May 2024

CMC Notes Newsletter – May 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Spring Recitals – Info 3. Summer Camp 4. Fall Re-Registration 5. Teachers’ Upcoming Gigs & Releases 6. Featured Student 7. Featured Teacher 8. Birthdays this Month Important Upcoming Dates Wednesday, May 1st: TODAY is the deadline for submitting your Re-Registration form for the fall! Reserve your fall lesson day and time by completing the fall Re-Registration form that was emailed out in April. Contact the office at if you did not receive one. Friday, May 3rd: Spring Recital sign up starts! An email with a sign-up form will be sent to all of our students – please complete by May 15th! Wednesday, May 15th: Deadline for Spring Recital sign-up form! (will be emailed out on May 3rd) Saturday, May 18th: Lessons are still ON as scheduled, but no Musical Preludes classes scheduled today! Monday, May 20th: CMC is CLOSED for Victoria Day!   Click HERE for our private lesson 2023-2024 CMC School Year Calendar Spring Recitals – Info! SAVE THE DATE: Our CMC Spring Recitals!   Below are the dates for our CMC spring recitals – mark your calendars! PLEASE NOTE that our recital sign-up form will be emailed to you on May 3rd, with a due date of May 15th!   Recital participation is completely optional, but we encourage our students to take advantage of this opportunity to perform for an audience in a supportive environment, to develop a musical goal to work towards and achieve, and to show your loved ones what you’ve learned so far!   For our adult students 18+, we have a separate in-person adult recital which will take place on June 2nd at 3pm.   SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd   IN-PERSON at Array Space: 10am: cello recital (students of all cello teachers & our Suzuki cello group class) 12pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers, choose from 12pm or 1pm) 1pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers, choose from 12pm or 1pm) 2pm: voice/winds recital (students of all voice & wind teachers) 3pm: adult recital (all instruments & voice for students 18+) 5pm: guitar/drum recital (students of all guitar/drum teachers) 6pm: guitar/ukulele/bass recital (students of all guitar/ukulele/bass teachers)   SUNDAY, JUNE 9th   ONLINE via Zoom 10am: all instruments & voice for any teacher   IN-PERSON at Array Space: 1pm: piano recital (students of Alida & Josh) 2pm: piano recital (students of Cheng-Feng, Chris & Erik) 3pm: piano recital (students of Neal & Michele) 4pm: piano recital (students of Luan & Mark) 5pm: piano recital (students of Hiro, James & Iris) 6pm: piano recital (students of Louise) Summer Camp! SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS STILL HAPPENING: A FEW SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! Music & Art Creations Summer Camp:   A magical fun-filled week for 4-7 year olds with music, art, movement, drumming and instruments exploration!   Monday to Friday from 9am to noon, $295/week.   Week 1: July 8-12, 2024Week 2: July 15-19, 2024Week 3: August 12-16, 2024 (FULL!)   Please click HERE for more information or to register – space is limited to only 8 students per week! Fall Re-Registration! Every spring, students are invited to reserve their lesson day & time for the fall by re-registering.   A Re-Registration form was emailed out to you last month, and you have until the May 1st DEADLINE (TODAY!) to complete it.   Please email the office at if you didn’t receive an email in April.   Spots will be opened to new students or students requiring a change in their schedule after the re-registration deadline, so please ensure you reserve your spot by May 1st by completing the Re-Registration form! IF you do not plan on continuing lessons this fall, please let us know by emailing our office at, thank you so much! Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! Alex CMC teacher Alex has an upcoming event!   –May 3rd, 8:00-10:00pm at Sellers and Newell: Money House Album Release.     Alida CMC teacher Alida has an upcoming event with Echo Women’s Choir!   –Sunday, May 5th, 3:00pm at the Church of the Holy Trinity: “O, Sister!”   Details can be found HERE.     Chris CMC teacher Chris & his partner Tara recently released a new EP, check it out here:     Enjoy!!! Featured Student! Sean (Violin) 1. How old were you when you first started music lessons? 8 years old.   2. Why did you choose your instrument? Seeing a showy violin performance at one of Mooredale’s “Music and Truffles” shows.   3. What do you like most about your teacher? Elizabeth has very good analogies to explain musical concepts.   4. Do you have a favourite piece to play? Czardas by Vittorio Monti   5. If you could play any other instrument, what would it be? The double bass.   6. What else do you do in your spare time? I like snowboarding, biking and indoor rock climbing.   7. Who are some of your musical inspirations? Jonathan Crow, Stefano Landi   8. What do you like most about CMC? It’s a tight-knit community. If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Featured Teacher! Sarah Steeves (Cello, Piano) 1. How old were you when you first started music? 3 years old.   2. Why did you want to make music your career? I feel like the most like myself when I’m playing or teaching the cello, so I wanted to keep doing that.   3. Which groups are you currently playing with, if any? The Ton Beau String Quartet and Sinfonia Toronto   4. What do you enjoy most about teaching? Getting to know my students and figure out how to best help them learn   5. Some students have challenges with consistent practicing. What advice would you give them? Pick one thing to focus on. Maybe it’s memorizing your recital piece. Maybe it’s learning the rhythm in the B

CMC Notes – May 2024 Read More »

The ABCs of My Many Memorable Moments at CMC – Insights from Cheng-Feng Lin

The ABCs of My Many Memorable Moments at CMC By Cheng-Feng Lin Over the years teaching at CMC, I have had many memorable moments. These lessons are really special, where I get to know each student at a deep level, often for more than one decade. For that, I am grateful for the trust from the parents and the students.   Here I have compiled an alphabetical list, from A to Z, for certain qualities that have been consistent and present in the lessons I have been giving throughout these years at CMC. Click each row to expand! A—Affection and Appreciation The lessons are filled with a lot of affection and appreciation. We also explore ways to play with affection and appreciation, as the musical pieces demand them to communicate these affects from their inner states and through their fingers. B—Being present The process of music making requires the students to be present in the body and the breath so that they are available to serve this art form. With the presence and attentiveness, breakthrough and transformation may then take place. C—Choice The students enjoy making decisions alone or with me during the lessons for issues like, fingering choices, interpretive choices, phrasing shape choices, for example. This leads to many positive benefits, such as empowerment, autonomy, curiosity, awareness, and more. I often tell them that they will not always have a teacher in the future, and they need to know how to process the music at hand independently. D—Dialogue I always love to hear what the students would respond in our conversation about music. However, it is even more interesting to listen to the shift when they speak their inner thoughts out loud: “it’s difficult” or “ I can’t” gradually turns into, “let me try again”, or “Ah, I almost have it”. E—Energy My students’ eyes often light up when they experience the magic of the cause and effect between the input of their physical effort with a particular energy/intention and the outcome when the piano ‘sings’ back to them in that particular energy mirroring theirs. They hear it! F—Focus The lesson is definitely a fertile ground to develop the capacity to focus: to be as aligned as possible in what they feel, think, see, and do, wiring many senses together in one unified state while playing the piano. They are invited to do so without the excessive tension and stress. G—Generosity I often encourage the students to be generous with their time and effort for their learning and practicing. Instead of seeing the learning and practicing as a chore or obligation, I would discuss and help them to see it as a generous gift—the gift of possibility and competency. H—Honesty Oh, the honesty of these young children! They are direct when expressing their thoughts upon hearing the music, or upon certain tasks that I propose. They would often show me their preferred way of learning something. Teenagers are far more discreet. It comes with a little sigh or a hesitant look. With some encouragement, they do tell, “I will have many tests next week, and I am not sure if I could get to all these scales..” I—Intuition Here I am referring to the musical intuition. Intuition literally means the tuition or the guidance from within. I put in high priority in developing and encouraging this internal musical guiding force of the students. I see this happening when the student (apparently not reading the music sheet on the stand) got ‘lost’ in the middle of the phrase, but managed to ‘invent’ a sensible alternative ending within the measure without even realizing they had done so. Or when the student instinctually builds up the energy of a phrase while playing it, without noticing the crescendo sign on the page. Another illustration would be improvisation. When the student enjoys improvising on the piano and delights in exploring new melodic patterns. J—Juggle Juggling with many tasks in life is the reality of the students I meet at CMC. Good time management on their part for home practicing is crucial. Considering the length of the lesson time (short), frequency of the lesson (only 1x/week), and the amount of materials (a ton), I am still learning the art of time management of giving a lesson. K—Kindness Oh I only wish if some of the students would not be so hard on themselves. The road of learning music never ends and the going does get tough often. Being kind and compassionate to one’s own learning process is one of the secrets to the life-long musical practice. L—Learning to listen Listening is a phenomenon that engages our whole being. It is about giving care, attentiveness, awareness and discernment while listening. Easy said than done, as we can be so busy with playing and not really listening. At the lesson, we often exercise this sense by isolating certain musical segment in order to listen in a particular way while playing. We would share our reflection after listening/playing. “How was the E in the end of the phrase? How did you shape it?”, for example. M—Musicality I would like to broaden the contemplation of musicality in reference to the students’ personality and their self expression. To me, each one of them is like a piece of living music. Here are some examples: the sparkle of their eyes when they hear that alluring harmony; the little nods to the groovy beats of the pop song they would like me to teach them; the melancholy student who tells me that Bb minor is her favourite key; a sudden obsession to make sure that very quiet sound at the end sounds ‘just right’. The musicality that lives through them is intrinsic, visceral, and spontaneous. N—Nourishment Once, a student said to me, while playing Beethoven’s Für Elise, “the music sheet is like a post card from Beethoven. I get to know his thoughts from the music.” Yes, my dear! Beethoven passed away, but his messages remains with us. And one way

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CMC Notes – April 2024

CMC Notes Newsletter – April 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Spring Recitals – Info 3. Teachers’ Upcoming Gigs & Releases 4. Lost & Found 5. Featured Student 6. Featured Teacher 7. Birthdays this Month Important Upcoming Dates Monday, April 1st: Lessons are still ON! Thursday, April 18th: Fall Re-Registration forms will be emailed out to complete before our May 1st deadline! Monday, May 1st: Deadline for Re-Registration forms for the fall: reserve your fall lesson day & time by re-registering by May 1st! (forms will be sent on April 18th)   Click HERE for our private lesson 2023-2024 CMC School Year Calendar Spring Recitals – Info! SAVE THE DATE: Our CMC Spring Recitals!   Below are the dates for our CMC spring recitals – mark your calendars! PLEASE NOTE that our recital sign-up form will be emailed to you at the beginning of May.   Recital participation is completely optional, but we encourage our students to take advantage of this opportunity to perform for an audience in a supportive environment, to develop a musical goal to work towards and achieve, and to show your loved ones what you’ve learned so far!   SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd   IN-PERSON at Array Space: 10am: cello recital (students of all cello teachers & our Suzuki cello group class) 12pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers, choose from 12pm or 1pm) 1pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers, choose from 12pm or 1pm) 2pm: voice/winds recital (students of all voice & wind teachers) 3pm: adult recital (all instruments & voice for students 18+) 5pm: guitar/drum recital (students of all guitar/drum teachers) 6pm: guitar/ukulele/bass recital (students of all guitar/ukulele/bass teachers)   SUNDAY, JUNE 9th   ONLINE via Zoom 10am: all instruments & voice for any teacher   IN-PERSON at Array Space: 1pm: piano recital (students of Alida & Josh) 2pm: piano recital (students of Cheng-Feng, Chris & Erik) 3pm: piano recital (students of Neal & Michele) 4pm: piano recital (students of Luan & Mark) 5pm: piano recital (students of Hiro, James & Iris) 6pm: piano recital (students of Louise) Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! Alex CMC teacher Alex has 2 upcoming events!   1. April 4th, 8:00pm at the Burdock: Action Forever Album Release.   2. Apr. 28/29, 8:30pm at the Rex: Dan Pitt Quintet.   Enjoy! Lost & Found If any of these items are yours, please email! Featured Student! Sabrina (Cello) 1. How old were you when you first started music lessons? I was 3 when I had my first cello lesson. I was 4 when I started lessons with Sarah.   2. Why did you choose your instrument? My mom chose it for me but now I like it.   3. What do you like most about your teacher? I like that she’s funny and kind and patient.   4. Do you have a favourite piece to play? Right now my favourite is Bourrée (G. F. Handel)   5. If you could play any other instrument, what would it be? I would like to play Piano.   6. What else do you do in your spare time? I like swimming and gymnastics and ice skating. At home I like to watch TV, practice cello, reading, and playing. And board games!   7. Who are some of your musical inspirations? My teacher Sarah.   8. What do you like most about CMC? I like that they have books I can read if I’m early for class. And the recitals, because I can hear what other students are playing. If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Featured Teacher! Alida Doornberg (Piano, Voice) 1. How old were you when you first started music? I think I was about 5 years old when I started Music for Young Children classes which I can still kind of remember. I started singing in choir when I was 6 years old, and music has been in my life ever since!   2. Why did you want to make music your career? I was always really encouraged by my family and mentors growing up to follow my passion for singing. After graduating form an arts high school where I focused on vocal music, it felt natural to continue with post secondary studies in Voice Performance. University provided some of my first experiences with teaching music so I could start to develop a career and share my passion with others.   3. Which groups are you currently playing with, if any? I recently joined the Nathaniel Dett Chorale which is a professional choir that focuses on Afrocentric music, currently celebrating their 25th anniversary as an ensemble. I also help lead a community choir called Echo Women’s Choir, which has been around for over 30 years, and focuses on folk music from around the world.   4. What do you enjoy most about teaching? The best thing about teaching is giving students the opportunity to express their individual personalities through a song. I believe that music is an outlet to express the range of our emotions in a healthy way, and improves our mental health, so I feel lucky to help facilitate that for the students. 5. Some students have challenges with consistent practicing. What advice would you give them? The small building blocks of daily practice are necessary so you can really enjoy playing music and feel you are expressing yourself through your instrument. I tell students to build the practice in to their routine at the same time everyday – maybe after school or after dinner. Also setting a timer to keep you focused is a great tool!   6. What do you like to do in your spare time? When I’m not singing or playing piano I like to spend time with my cat Annie and work on crafts. I usually like sewing crafts but right now I’m working on a diamond painting.   7. If you could go anywhere

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Musical Musings: Insights from Sonya Harper-Nyby

Musical Musings: Insights from Sonya Harper-Nyby By Sonya Harper Nyby   “Let music belong to everyone.” (Zoltán Kodály)   I’m Sonya, and I am a lifelong musician. I started learning violin in Grade 3, joined a choir in Grade 5, and never stopped making music. At Classical Music Conservatory, I teach Musical Preludes, voice lessons, and just started teaching violin lessons.   Long-time Musical Preludes Teacher, First-time Musical Preludes Parent I’ve been teaching the Musical Preludes classes since 2016. Over the years, I’ve gotten to know so many wonderful children while making music together, exploring the different ways we can use our voices, learning about the many instruments these little musicians can go on to play in lessons at Classical Music Conservatory, and encountering the building blocks of music such as rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, notation, and more. Every year, our Musical Preludes musicians remind me of the diversity of human experience and expression as well as the almost universal appeal of music as a means of sharing ourselves with others. Please know that all children are welcome in Musical Preludes. Since September 2023, I’ve had the opportunity to share my teacher self with my own child in our Musical Preludes Intro class. She was born in 2020 and heard a lot of online voice lessons and rehearsals as an infant. We’ve also played her a wide range of musical styles, from opera to reggae, from latin jazz to hip hop, from afrobeat to punk rock. Unsurprisingly, she seems to love singing and playing instruments. She also loves running around the classroom when we’re meant to be sitting in a circle together! I love watching and hearing her learn, but most of all, I love seeing the friendships she is building with the other children in her class. In years past, I have noticed the social connections formed in Musical Preludes classes, and now I see it as one of the most wonderful things our children can experience in this setting.   It’s also wonderful to see our Musical Preludes alumni go on to play their favourite instruments in private lessons at Classical Music Conservatory. Every week, I see children and their grown-ups in the waiting room getting ready for their lessons and I think about the first time they encountered a cello, piano, clarinet, violin, trumpet, flute, guitar, recorder, ukulele, or small percussion instruments. Sometimes I am lucky enough to hear them play in the recitals and I feel so happy for them that they have found an instrument that they love to play.   Growing up at Classical Music Conservatory A neighbourhood music school is such a valuable thing. It’s common for families to be part of our community for years or even decades. I’ve taught many voice students as they grow from childhood to young adulthood. It’s amazing to watch them becoming themselves, and gratifying to track their progress as musicians.   From the Shower to the Stage I have taught many adult voice students who have taken a break from music or who are trying music lessons for the first time. Recently, one singer told me that she gives full concerts in the shower all the time and is eager to share her singing with others. How wonderful that we can try new things or return to old activities at any point in our lives! Whether you’re a complete beginner or just feeling a bit rusty, taking music lessons as an adult can be a lot of fun and great for your brain health. If you are interested in performing, Classical Music Conservatory holds two recitals a year for our adult musicians so that you can have the opportunity to perform in a supportive atmosphere along with your peers.   Music For Everyone Classical Music Conservatory has a lot to offer musicians of all ages. If you or a child in your life is interested in learning music, take a look through the website or contact the office for more information. We would love to welcome you to our community! Read More About Sonya! Learn More About Musical Preludes! All Posts Blog Posts CMC Notes Newsletters Musical Musings: Insights from Sonya Harper-Nyby 2024-03-15/ Musical Musings: Insights from Sonya Harper-Nyby By Sonya Harper Nyby   “Let music belong to everyone.” (Zoltán Kodály)   I’m… Read More CMC Notes – March 2024 2024-03-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – March 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! 3.… Read More CMC Notes – February 2024 2024-02-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – February 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Summer Camp Registration & Discount! 3.… Read More Why You Should Study Music Theory: Advice From a Professional 2024-01-15/ Why Study Music Theory? Music theory lessons can offer a variety of benefits to musicians, regardless of their skill level… Read More CMC Notes – January 2024 2024-01-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – January 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals Concluded! 3. Lost &… Read More Thinking About Starting Lessons? Here’s 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose CMC 2023-12-15/ Top Ten Advantages of Being a Part of CMC! Click each number to expand! #1. Unparalleled support  We offer unparalleled… Read More CMC Notes – December 2023 2023-12-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – December 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Schedule 3. Teachers… Read More The Complete Guide on How to Practice Effectively 2023-11-15/ Parents & Students: How to Practice Effectively Considerations regarding some instruments: 1. Piano, as much as it’s an easy instrument… Read More CMC Notes – November 2023 2023-11-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – November 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Information 3. Winter… Read More Load More End of Content.

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CMC Notes – March 2024

CMC Notes Newsletter – March 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! 3. Featured Student 4. Featured Teacher 5. Birthdays this Month Important Upcoming Dates March 10 – March 17: March Break!!! CMC is CLOSED. No lessons or classes all week. Enjoy your time off!   Monday, March 18: Lessons and classes resume as normal   Friday, March 29: Good Friday! CMC is CLOSED, no lessons or classes!   Saturday, March 30: Lessons are ON today, but no Musical Preludes today!   Click HERE for our private lesson 2023-2024 CMC School Year Calendar Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! Brandon Brandon has an upcoming performance with his band “The Brokes”, a “The Strokes” cover band. The event will take place at the Lee’s Palace on Saturday March 9th at 9:00pm.   Tickets are $32.10 (including fees).   Click HERE for tickets and more information. James James has a couple of upcoming gigs in Toronto!   The first one is on March 8th and 9th8:00 – 10:30 pm, featuring the James Griffith Quintet at The Jazz Bistro.   The second one is on March 14th8:00 pm – late, where he will be playing with Marmalade at Collective Arts Toronto Taproom.   Enjoy! Featured Student! Jack (Viola) 1. How old were you when you first started music lessons? 12 years old   2. Why did you choose your instrument? I was inspired by my sister who started playing the viola at school and I wanted to try it out for myself. I enjoyed it and decided to try some private lessons at CMC with Michael Sproules (love that guy!)   3. Do you have a favourite piece to play? The Viola Concerto in G Major by Telemann   4. What do you like most about your teacher? He’s really patient and understanding. He’s very encouraging and wants me to succeed. And he’s a really good performer himself.   5. Who are some of your musical inspirations? My mom, my viola teacher and listening to other young musicians performing at high levels.   6. If you could play any other instrument, what would it be? Probably violin so I could play melodies in orchestral music as there are more pieces written for violin.   7. What do you like most about CMC? The close community, the impressive musicianship of the teachers and the comfortable environment.   8. What else do you do in your spare time? I like to play video games but also play hockey and baseball.   9. Anything else you would like to add? As my time as a student at CMC draws to an end as I will be attending university in the fall, I look back on the improvement that I made over these last 6 years. I am grateful for the opportunity to have studied music with Michael and look forward to coming back in the summers to continue my growth as a musician. If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Featured Teacher! Luan Phung (Piano & Improv, Guitar, Electric Bass, Ukulele, Recorder) 1. How old were you when you first started music? 3 years old.   2. Why did you want to make music your career? Apart from my love of music in general, I had a passion and drive to want to create and inspire, and music was the language I knew I could do that with!   3. What do you enjoy most about teaching? I love getting to know my students because each of them are so cool and unique in their own way! I also love to see how my students improve and progress over time!   4. Some students have challenges with consistent practicing. What advice would you give them? Don’t feel like you have to practice a long time to improve. You can have a very short and focused practice routine and feel a sense of accomplishment.   5. Which groups are you currently playing with, if any? Because I freelance my guitar to various projects as well as collaborating within the creative music community, I play with many artists, groups, and ensembles!   6. What do you like to do in your spare time? I love to train my dog Korra! We do various dog sports and have won titles in those sports! I also like to watch cartoons and anime and I enjoy boxing for fitness!   7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would travel either to eat food OR to see animals. Somewhere in Asia to eat street food and probably Africa to see animals!   8. Anything else you want to add? Remember that music is important! If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Facebook Instagram ©2023 Music Lessons Toronto, In-Person at our school or online Lessons Toronto, Music School Toronto, ON, Canada | 314 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON M6R 2M7, CA All Posts Blog Posts CMC Notes Newsletters CMC Notes – November 2024 2024-11-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – November 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals: Information 3. Winter Recitals:… Read More CMC Notes – October 2024 2024-10-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – October 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals: Information! 3. Winter Recitals:… Read More CMC Notes – September 2024 2024-09-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – September 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Make-Up Lesson Policy Change 3. Musical… Read More CMC Notes – August 2024 2024-08-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – August 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Musical Preludes 3. Suzuki Cello Group… Read More CMC Notes – July 2024 2024-07-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – July 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Thank You for Another Wonderful Year!… Read More The Importance of Musical Interest: Insights from Louise Hung 2024-06-15/ The Importance of Musical Interest By Louise

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CMC Notes – February 2024

CMC Notes Newsletter – February 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Summer Camp Registration & Discount! 3. Lost & Found 4. Featured Student 5. Featured Teacher 6. Birthdays this Month Important Upcoming Dates Saturday, February 17th: Lessons are still ON as scheduled, but NO Musical Preludes classes today! Monday, February 19th: CMC is closed for Family Day! Tuesday, March 5th: Deadline for registration for the May/June Session of RCM Exams  Click HERE for our private lesson 2023-2024 CMC School Year Calendar Summer Camp Registration & Discount! SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!   Music & Art Creations Summer Camp:   A magical fun-filled week for 4-7 year olds with music, art, movement, drumming and instruments exploration! Monday to Friday from 9am to noon, $295/week. SAVE $25 by registering before February 14th and pay $270! Week 1: July 8-12, 2024 Week 2: July 15-19, 2024 Week 3: August 12-16, 2024 Please click below for more information or to register – space is limited to only 8 students per week! Learn More! Lost & Found If any of these items are yours, please email! Featured Student! Mae (Voice) 1. How old were you when you first started music lessons? I was about 7 or 8.   2. Why did you choose your instrument? I always loved singing as a kid!   3. What do you like most about your music teacher? When I’m in class, I feel like I can do anything if I put my mind to it. If I make a mistake, it’s no big deal, it teaches me how to improve and grow. Gwen taught me how to grow into my own voice. She always creates a positive and safe environment, and is the most amazing and supportive vocal teacher. I am so glad I was able to be her student.   4. Do you have a favourite piece to play? I sang Halley’s Comet by Billie Eilish in 2022, and it was a great piece to learn and work on my dynamics.   5. If you could play any other instrument, what would it be? I’ve played many different instruments, but I’d love to try electric guitar and bass.     6. What do you like to do in your spare time? Music is my main passion. At school I study music every single day. I have also joined a gospel choir and I’m the lead singer of my band! Other than music, I work at a nature centre. I love teaching all generations about our wonderful earth and everything it has to offer.   7. Who are some of your musical inspirations? Some of my favourite musicians are Laufey, The beatles, Frank Ocean, Radiohead, and many more. I love all their different styles and I try to contribute that into my music.   8. What do you like most about CMC? I’ve been at CMC since I was a kid and it has always been such a fun part of my life! I have loved performing in different recitals and getting to learn new music styles and develop my skills as a musician. It has given me so many opportunities as a musician and I am very grateful. If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Featured Teacher! Hiro Suzuki (Guitar, Ukulele, Electric Bass, Piano, Drums) 1. How old were you when you first started music? I began taking piano lessons at the age of seven. I remember liking singing and whistling even before that. Around the age of twelve, I started learning guitar and drums.   2. Why did you want to make music your career? Music has always played a central role in my life. As a kid, I enjoyed taking piano lessons to learn how to play on my own, all while having other passions. Growing up in Japan, I initially wanted to become a manga author. However, after joining a band and experiencing the joy of playing music with others, I decided to pursue a career in music.   3. Which groups are you currently playing with, if any? I’m playing with my own jazz quartet, a Latin duo with Camila Lozada, a jazz fusion band called Dennim Quack, and various other musicians.   4. What do you enjoy most about teaching? It’s rewarding for me to help my students have fun playing music and overcome their musical challenges. Connecting with my students through music is even more so!   5. Some students have challenges with consistent practicing. What advice would you give them? Listen to music you like or go enjoy live music to get inspired and motivated to play. After that, you’ll want to practice to recreate the great musical moment you had 🙂 Also, don’t feel pressured to practice for a long time – playing just for a minute every day makes a huge difference in your playing. 6. What do you like to do in your spare time? I play music, cook, hang out with my friends, and watch Netflix shows with green tea on my side.   7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Iceland. The otherworldly scenery almost doesn’t seem like it’s on Earth, and the music there is beautiful. I’ve been there once and would love to go back sometime.   Anything else you want to add? I’m so grateful to be a part of the CMC family. Thank you to everyone who makes this community such an encouraging and positive space! 🙂 If you’re interested in my music, my EP ‘Overseas’ by Hiro Suzuki is available on any streaming platform, such as Spotify. You can also support me by purchasing the hi-res music files on Bandcamp. If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Facebook Instagram ©2023 Music Lessons Toronto, In-Person at our school or online Lessons Toronto, Music School Toronto, ON, Canada | 314 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON M6R 2M7, CA All

CMC Notes – February 2024 Read More »

Why You Should Study Music Theory: Advice From a Professional

Why Study Music Theory? Music theory lessons can offer a variety of benefits to musicians, regardless of their skill level or the type of music they enjoy.   Here are 10 reasons why learning music theory can be valuable, and see below for a message from CMC’s Executive Founding Director: Click each number to expand! #1. Understanding the Language of Music Music theory provides a systematic way to understand and communicate musical ideas. It gives you a language to discuss elements such as melody, harmony, rhythm, and form. #2. Enhancing Creativity While some might fear that theory limits creativity, it actually provides a framework that can inspire new ideas. Understanding the rules allows you to know how and when to break them for artistic expression. #3. Improving Compositional Skills For those interested in creating their own music, music theory is an invaluable tool. It helps composers and songwriters structure their compositions effectively and experiment with various musical elements. #4. Reading and Writing Sheet Music Music theory helps musicians read and write sheet music. This skill is essential for those who want to collaborate with other musicians, perform in ensembles, or work in a professional musical setting. #5. Analyzing Music Music theory enables you to analyze and understand the inner workings of a piece of music. This skill is particularly beneficial for musicians who want to interpret pieces more deeply and perform them with greater nuance. #6. Improving Performance Skills Musicians who understand music theory often have an easier time learning and memorizing pieces. They can also make more informed decisions about interpretation, phrasing, and expression. #7. Communication with Other Musicians When working with other musicians, having a shared understanding of music theory facilitates communication. It allows for efficient rehearsal and collaboration. #8. Preparing for Higher Education in Music If you plan to pursue music at a higher education level, whether in a university or conservatory setting, a solid understanding of music theory is often a prerequisite. #9. Exploring Different Genres Music theory is not limited to any particular genre. Whether you’re interested in classical, jazz, pop, or any other style, the principles of music theory can be applied across a broad range of musical genres. #10. Appreciating Music on a Deeper Level Understanding music theory allows you to appreciate the intricacies of the music you listen to. It enhances your ability to recognize patterns, appreciate skilled compositions, and engage with music in a more meaningful way. In summary, music theory lessons can provide a foundation that empowers musicians to express themselves more effectively, collaborate with others, and deepen their appreciation for the art of music. Now that you’ve read what the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has said, what would Human Intelligence from someone like me say about why one should take theory lessons –  a person who’s been learning music since she was 3 years old and who has been teaching music for almost 40 years now?    Well, if you’re already taking music lessons and have so for a little while, you or your child is already actually absorbing the knowledge of music theory while you’re playing your instrument(s). You’re already reading music, and if I have to compare that to the ability to drive, you are already driving on the road, without having learnt any of the rules of traffic etc. Yes it’s fun and enjoyable, but you’re not getting the whole picture, and you don’t know what you don’t know. Think about how much more you’ll see and enjoy by knowing everything there is to know about music, and you’ll see so much more of the beauty of music. Another analogy I can use to try to describe this is, you’ve been in a black and white world, and knowing music theory will put you in a full HD colourful world.    Also, for students who are still in school pre-university levels, you can earn up to 2 high-school credits by doing level 7 and level 8 of your instrument’s RCM exam together with the accompanying level 7 and level 8 theory RCM exams. These credits are also something that look good on your resume of accomplishments going into University/College, and later on your professional accomplishments. We all know how much it takes to do these requirements and it shows your tenacity, long term commitment and levels of skill building you have done. Basically, it shows well of your character as a young professional.   So, if you are taking music lessons in singing or instrumental, I urge you to take some music theory lessons, because I wish for you to know, see and feel the FULLEST of the beauty of music. Feel free to reach out to me and chat about this at   Lusiana Lukman, Executive Founding Director, Classical Music Conservatory All Posts Blog Posts CMC Notes Newsletters Why You Should Study Music Theory: Advice From a Professional 2024-01-15/ Why Study Music Theory? Music theory lessons can offer a variety of benefits to musicians, regardless of their skill level… Read More CMC Notes – January 2024 2024-01-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – January 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals Concluded! 3. Lost &… Read More Thinking About Starting Lessons? Here’s 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose CMC 2023-12-15/ Top Ten Advantages of Being a Part of CMC! Click each number to expand! #1. Unparalleled support  We offer unparalleled… Read More CMC Notes – December 2023 2023-12-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – December 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Schedule 3. Teachers… Read More The Complete Guide on How to Practice Effectively 2023-11-15/ Parents & Students: How to Practice Effectively Considerations regarding some instruments: 1. Piano, as much as it’s an easy instrument… Read More CMC Notes – November 2023 2023-11-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – November 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Information 3. Winter… Read More RCM Exams – To Do or Not To Do? 2023-10-15/ RCM EXAMS: ALL

Why You Should Study Music Theory: Advice From a Professional Read More »

CMC Notes – January 2024

CMC Notes Newsletter – January 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals Concluded! 3. Lost & Found 4. Featured Student 5. Featured Teacher 6. Parkdale Community Foodbank 7. Birthdays this Month Important Upcoming Dates HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are so excited to resume lessons in 2024 with you all!   Monday, January 8th: First day of lessons for the new year Tuesday, January 9th: First Suzuki cello group class for the new year   Tuesday, January 9th: Registration Deadline for In-Person Piano RCM Exams for April 2024 Session (April 15-20)   Saturday, January 13th: First Musical Preludes classes for the new year   Click HERE for our private lesson 2023-2024 CMC School Year Calendar Winter Recitals Concluded – Congratulations! Congratulations to all of our students who performed at our Winter Recitals in December!!!   You were all fantastic and we hope to see you perform again at our Spring Recitals in June! Lost & Found If any of these items are yours, please email! Featured Student! Ashton (Guitar) 1. How old were you when you first started music lessons? 5 yrs old.   2. Why did you choose the instrument you currently play? I chose the guitar because I wanted to be like Stewart from The Minions. I was 5 at the time.   3. What do you like most about your music teacher? Luan is cool cause he can play a bunch of different instruments, he is always really nice & he always chooses great music.   4. Do you have a favourite piece to play? I love all the music I’ve been learning   5. If you could play any other instrument, what would it be? Piano 6. What do you like to do in your spare time? Play soccer, watch soccer & draw soccer. Basically anything soccer.   7. Who are some of your musical inspirations? Mcap Steve   8. What do you like most about CMC? I love that music that is always happening here Featured Teacher! Max Bornstein (Drums) 1. How old were you when you first started music? I was 11 years old when I got into playing the drums, and 14 when I got into playing the guitar. Later on I picked up the bass, started writing songs, and I’ve always loved to sing!   2. Why did you want to make music your career? I saw the movie That Thing You Do! which is a MUST SEE for any musician! It made being in a band look so cool, and I wanted to have that much fun. Playing live for an audience is an amazing feeling, and I adore recording too. It’s a really enjoyable challenge to try and create the best version of a song possible that people will know forever!   3. Which groups are you currently playing with, if any? I’m currently playing in four different bands – Ark Identity, Jay Feelbender, Sunday Service, and Party. Each of them is so different, and playing with these groups really gives me a chance to play a little bit of everything I know how to do.   4. What do you enjoy most about teaching? I really enjoy seeing a student have that moment of “Oh, I got it!” and then they play the idea on their instrument smoothly. I love seeing people learning how to play the music they enjoy, focusing on meeting a goal, and smiling too!   5. Some students have challenges with consistent practicing. What advice would you give them? I always tell my students if you can get a SHORTER amount of time every day, preferably at the same every day, that makes a huge difference. The more you play and meet your goals, the longer you’ll want to play, but start with 10-20 minutes a day!   6. What do you like to do in your spare time? Besides playing music, I love watching documentaries, and going for walks.   7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Of places I haven’t been before, I would love to go to Australia since I’ve heard amazing things. Of places I have been before, I’d love to visit New York again and explore! If you are interested in being featured in our CMC Notes, please email us at! Parkdale Community Foodbank – Thank You! Thank you to everyone who donated items to our collection for the Parkdale community food bank! Facebook Instagram ©2023 Music Lessons Toronto, In-Person at our school or online Lessons Toronto, Music School Toronto, ON, Canada | 314 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON M6R 2M7, CA All Posts Blog Posts CMC Notes Newsletters CMC Notes – November 2024 2024-11-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – November 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals: Information 3. Winter Recitals:… Read More CMC Notes – October 2024 2024-10-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – October 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals: Information! 3. Winter Recitals:… Read More CMC Notes – September 2024 2024-09-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – September 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Make-Up Lesson Policy Change 3. Musical… Read More CMC Notes – August 2024 2024-08-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – August 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Musical Preludes 3. Suzuki Cello Group… Read More CMC Notes – July 2024 2024-07-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – July 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Thank You for Another Wonderful Year!… Read More The Importance of Musical Interest: Insights from Louise Hung 2024-06-15/ The Importance of Musical Interest By Louise Hung   Through my experiences so far as a music educator, I have… Read More CMC Notes – June 2024 2024-06-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – June 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. CMC Spring Recitals 3. Summer Lessons… Read More CMC Notes – May 2024 2024-05-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – May 2024 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Spring

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Thinking About Starting Lessons? Here’s 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose CMC

Top Ten Advantages of Being a Part of CMC! Click each number to expand! #1. Unparalleled support  We offer unparalleled support for students, parents and teachers. We care, and we are here for you. #2. Student-teacher matching service Our Executive Founding Director personally ensures the best student-teacher match from the very beginning of your musical journey with us. Our guarantee is that you will get the best musical options at our music school as if you or your child were part of our family.   #3. We guide you to achieve your musical goals We are here to help you achieve your musical goals. Whether it’s to achieve RCM exams, obtain high school credits, learn a new instrument for fun, or for enrichment and the betterment of your being, we can help you get there.  #4. RCM exam and audition preparation For students on this route, we offer professional mock exams and mock auditions for our students to help best prepare them for their actual exam or audition, in addition to assisting with practicalities such as registration for the RCM exam.  #5. Live online or in-person lessons We offer the option of either in-person lessons at our CMC location or live online lessons – whatever works best for you! Even if you’re usually in-person and one week you need to pivot online, you can do so! #6. Community You will be part of our awesome CMC community, consisting not only of other students, teachers and administrators, but also extending to our amazing neighbourhood, steps away from other fabulous small locally run businesses on Roncesvalles!  CMC strives to be an inclusive and progressive music school where human rights are respected, We welcome and support LGBTQ2+ people and do not tolerate any form of racism or discrimination. #7. Recitals You have the option to participate in our bi-annual recitals where you can gain performance experience in a supportive environment with your fellow students and us cheering you on! We know what a big deal it is to perform in front of others, and we’re here to prepare and support you! #8. Variety of instruments, genres and levels We offer one-on-one lessons in piano, voice, acoustic and electric guitar, electric bass, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, violin, viola, cello, double bass, recorder, flute, clarinet, saxophone, theory, drum kit and trumpet (online only). We teach all levels, including audition and competition preparation, university preparation and university level coaching and extra help. #9. Team of professional teachers and administrators You will be a part of a team of professional, caring teachers – not just one – to help you grow. If your teacher has to be away, we have other CMC teachers to look after you. We believe communication is key to building relationships. We communicate daily, between students, parents, teachers and the school, and we ensure communication is fluid so that everything runs smoothly. You get to talk to a real-life, real time person within our office hours. At CMC you’re never a number; you’re a person and you’re part of our musical family. #10. Music books & violin / cello rentals We carry most books that you’ll need in our CMC office, so that you can get your music books quickly and have no interruption in your lesson progress. We also rent out violins and cellos for your convenience as well!  All Posts Blog Posts CMC Notes Newsletters Thinking About Joining CMC? Here’s 10 Reasons Why You Should 2023-12-15/ Top Ten Advantages of Being a Part of CMC! Click each number to expand! #1. Unparalleled support  We offer unparalleled… Read More CMC Notes – December 2023 2023-12-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – December 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Schedule 3. Teachers… Read More The Complete Guide on How to Practice Effectively 2023-11-15/ Parents & Students: How to Practice Effectively Considerations regarding some instruments: 1. Piano, as much as it’s an easy instrument… Read More CMC Notes – November 2023 2023-11-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – November 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Information 3. Winter… Read More RCM Exams – To Do or Not To Do? 2023-10-15/ RCM EXAMS: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW What is an RCM exam?   The Royal Conservatory Music (RCM) examinations are a… Read More CMC Notes – October 2023 2023-10-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – October 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Musical Preludes 3. Teachers Upcoming Gigs… Read More CMC Notes – September 2023 2023-09-01/ CMC Notes Newsletter – September 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Musical Preludes 3. RCM 2015 Piano… Read More

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CMC Notes – December 2023

CMC Notes Newsletter – December 2023 In this issue 1. Important Upcoming Dates 2. Winter Recitals – Schedule 3. Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! 4. Parkdale Community Foodbank Donations 5. Lost & Found 6. Featured Student 7. Featured Teacher 8. Give the Gift of Music! 9. Birthdays this Month Important Upcoming Dates Sunday, December 3rd: CMC winter recitals day 1 of 2   Sunday, December 10th: CMC winter recitals day 2 of 2   Saturday, December 16th: Last day of Musical Preludes before our winter break!   Saturday, December 23rd: Last day of lessons before our winter break!    December 24th to January 7th: Winter Break – Happy Holidays!!!!!   Monday, January 8th, 2024: First day of lessons after the winter break!   Click HERE for our private lesson 2023-2024 CMC School Year Calendar! Winter Recitals – Schedule CMC hosts 2 days of winter recitals for our private lesson students. We encourage all our students to perform, but participation is optional! We want this to be a positive experience for our students with a supportive, low-pressure atmosphere.   Our recital sign ups are now closed, but feel free to come and support your fellow students as they perform!   Here’s the schedule for our Winter Recitals:   SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 ONLINE via Zoom 10am: all instruments & voice for any teacher   IN-PERSON at Array Space 1pm: piano recital (students of Alida & Josh) 2pm: piano recital (students of Cheng-Feng, Chris & Erik) 3pm: piano recital (students of Neal & Michele) 4pm: piano recital (students of Luan & Mark) 5pm: piano recital (students of Hiro, James & Iris) 6pm: piano recital (students of Louise)   SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 IN-PERSON at Array Space 10am: cello recital (students of all cello teachers) 12pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers) 1pm: violin/viola recital (students of all violin & viola teachers) 2pm: voice/winds recital (students of all voice & winds teachers) 3pm: adult recital (all instruments & voice for students 18+) 4pm: guitar/drum recital (students of all guitar & drum teachers) 5pm: guitar/ukulele/bass recital (students of all guitar & ukulele & bass teachers) Any questions? Please email Wanda at Teachers Upcoming Gigs & Releases! Wanda Wanda (along with one of our CMC adult piano students, Hannah V!) will be performing with Singing Out, Toronto’s largest LGBTQQIA+ choir, at their winter concert on:   Saturday, December 2nd at 3:00pm and 7:30pm.   Both matinee and evening concerts take place at East End United Church, 310 Danforth Ave.   Click HERE for more information or to purchase tickets! Sonya Sonya has an upcoming concert with Oakville Choral. The event will take place at St. John’s United Church on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, at 3:00pm.   Details:   SOUND THE TRUMPET Oakville Choral celebrates the music of G. F. Handel! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2023, 3:00pmSt. John’s United Church, 262 Randall St., Oakville   Click HERE for tickets and more information. Elizabeth Elizabeth has a couple of upcoming concerts at Koerner Hall!   The first one is Christmas Oratorio with Toronto Choral Society, Koerner Hall, December 1st.   Next is Handel’s Messiah with Tafelmusik, Koerner Hall, December 14, 15, 16, and a Messiah Sing-Along on December 17!     Alida Alida has 2 upcoming events!   Alida will be singing with Echo Women’s Choir for their concert on Sunday, Dec. 3rd at 7:30pm at the Church of the Holy Trinity for their concert “Love is the Greatest Gift.” Click HERE for more info!   Alida will also be performing with the Nathaniel Dett Chorale on Friday, Dec. 15th at 8:00pm at St. Andrew’s Church for the program “An Indigo Christmas.” Click HERE for more info!   Enjoy! Collecting for Parkdale Community Foodbank! During the month of December, CMC collects food and essential items to donate to the Parkdale Community Food Bank. PCFB feeds over 3000 clients monthly, with a mission to ensure barrier free food, with choice, dignity & respect for all. With the impact of COVID-19, help is needed even more.   Please consider bringing items to CMC to donate (for our in-person students) or, if you can, donate directly to the Parkdale Community Foodbank by visiting or by clicking below. DONATE NOW! Lost & Found If any of these items are yours, please email! Featured Student! Edith (Piano) 1. How long have you been taking music lessons? About 12 years.   2. Why did you choose the instrument you currently play? For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to play piano. I played recorder as a child, even taking private lessons, but it didn’t cut it for me.   3. What are the benefits you feel you get from learning music as an adult? It forces my brain to work in different ways. It is also excellent to develop coordination between both hands. For those into mindfulness/meditation, playing a musical instrument is a good way to be in the moment.   4. Do you have a favourite piece to play? Hard to say. However, I really like to learn/play baroque pieces, especially Bach’s compositions, because both hands tend to be equally difficult.   5. If you could play any other instrument, what would it be? It depends. Harpsichord because of my love of baroque pieces, but I have to add cello among strings, clarinet/saxophone among winds, bass in a rock band.   6. What’s a fun fact about yourself that you’d like to share with us? I am a volunteer braille transcriber (i.e., I transcribe print documents in French or English braille) for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. I don’t know music braille yet, but would like to learn one day. 7. Who are some of your musical inspirations? I wish I could play Bach like Glenn Gould. I am also fascinated by musicians or bands who managed to evolve and remain relevant over a long period of time—the David Byrne/Talking Heads, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon, Daniel Bélanger, Serge Gainsbourg are the first that come to mind.   8. What do you like

CMC Notes – December 2023 Read More »